Friday, November 12, 2010

Lindsay coming to a Bar Mitzvah near....

The fallen star is being forced to attend private events to earn cash
Lindsay Lohan | Celebrity Gossip | Pictures | Photos | GalleryWhen a star such as Lindsay Lohan, 24, is forced to offer her services for birthday parties and Bar Mitzvah bashes, you know there's little hope of her regaining her former glory.
‘The idea of working at private parties for big cash has definitely come up recently,' an insider tells Now.
Lindsay keeps trying to resist but she's in a position where she needs to be doing this. Her people have been tempting her with figures of £31,000 for 30 minutes' work but she's said that if she has to speak or mingle with the crowd, she'll charge more.
'She may sing or present something - her people are considering anything to be honest.'
Lindsay's life has been one car crash after another. Let's not forget that she was sent to prison in July for failing to attend alcohol education classes after violating her probation on two 2007 drink-driving and cocaine possession charges.
Then, after failing a drug test, she was sent back to prison briefly in September and now she can't afford the fees at the Betty Ford rehab clinic she's staying at.
We're exhausted just writing about it!
‘Celebrities sometimes appear at private events but this will be Lindsay's main source of income,' an insider adds.
‘She's scared her reputation will be ruined - she has visions of standing next to a clown singing to primary school kids.
'But at the same time, she knows that to pay her rehab fees, which could cost over £32,000 until January, she has to swallow her pride.'
Well, if things get really tough, Linds, you can always come to our Christmas party. Just a thought.
See the latest photos of Lindsay Lohan and find out what other celebs charge to appear at private parties in Now magazine dated 15 November 2010 - out now!

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